Vanessa & Marc
November 10, 2018
This story is interesting. We officially met and hung out with Vanessa + Marc when we photographed Natalie + Rob’s wedding in Puglia, Italy. Marc was one of the groomsmen. A few months before we left, he contacted us because he was planning on proposing to Vanessa while we were in Italy and he wanted us to photograph it. I won’t go into too much detail about that part, but let’s just say it was 8am in the morning in a wide open square and there weren’t many places to hide. We ended up capturing the perfect proposal photograph and I give full credit to Kelly because that was the first time I realized how stealth and Ninja like she was. She’s full of talents but that was a big pleasant surprise. My wife is a ninja :)
When we got back home and they started planning the wedding, they were adamant about having us as their photographers and we are so grateful we were. Their story is amazing and damn they are sexy. Take a look and enjoy :)
Love you both!
Just Love,
J + K